How to choose the suitable single mode fiber optic media converter |fiber optic transceiver?
When you only have one optic fiber how to
choose the suitable fiber optic media converter| fiber optic transceiver? ?
Usually , the fiber optic cable is dulplex
optic fiber : one fiber is used for received signal;the other one used for
transmitting signals.
However , the single fiber is use a fiber
optic cable to transmit and received signals simultaneously.
According to the principle of different
wavelengths of light can not communicate. The transmission of at least two different
wavelengths of light in single mode fiber .Signal transmit and receive
simultaneously to reach the results.
Therefore, in the selection of fiber optic
transceivers also requires a separate purchase. Common fiber optic transceivers
can be used alone, it can also be used in pairs. However, single fiber
transceiver must be used in pairs, in general, this is the end to end is R5T3
R3T5 (R / T 1550NM / 1310NM; R / T1310NM / 1550NM).
So choose a good single fiber optical
transceivers , you need to pay attention paired. 1310 is 1310nm transmitter and
the receiver pairs. Usually manufacturers will do, there are models AB points.
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